Dr. Tajuana Lordeus
DMSc, PA-C, CAQ-Psych
Physician Assistant
Dr. Tajuana Lordeus has been practicing as a physician assistant (PA) for almost 23 years in various areas of medicine. For the past 5 years, Dr. Lordeus has been providing mental health services to the geriatric population and those with complex medical conditions. She has had extensive training and a professional focus on providing psychiatry services to those age 65 and older. She enjoys working with this population immensely. Some of the conditions she is accustomed to treating in this older population include depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, adjustment disorders, substance use disorders, and grief/bereavement.
Dr. Lordeus enjoys helping others reach their goals in life by contributing her wealth of professional and personal experiences. She is heavily engaged in giving back to her community through volunteerism, teaching CPR, and doing health education engagements in small groups, businesses, churches, and schools.
Professionally, she continues to add value by mentoring, serving, and collaborating with others to further the PA profession. Additionally, Dr. Lordeus completed the Mayo Clinic Health & Wellness Coaching program in 2015 and uses motivational interviewing and other coaching principles regularly.
Dr. Lordeus is most proud of completing her Doctor of Medical Science Degree in 2022 from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, passing the Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Psychiatry, authoring two books in recent years (The Little Brown Boy Premier & The Little Brown Boy goes to Chicago), collaborating to bring Mental Health Summits to her church community of Southeast Raleigh, teaching lectures to PA students, and presenting sessions at the North Carolina Academy of PAs Conferences and to the South Dakota Academy of PAs on psychiatry topics. Dr. Lordeus has also served on the advisory board for a PA Program for the past 3 years.